anthias pics

Caught a glimpse of the shrimps tonight, took a pic of one of them

Also took pics of the female anthias, who are out and about and eating.

here’s the male in full living color

Wow John they look GREAT!!!

You sure do have alot of those little star fish. Great choice on the little shrimp. I wish I had enough would love to get couple of those little guys.

Thanks Bill, hopefully the shrimp have plenty to eat for a long time. I may keep some star fish in my refuge and when they are all gone in DT, take some from the fuge and put them in the DT. It’s like a catch 22, want to have the shrimp around for a long time, but can’t do that without having the stars also. :SURRENDER >LOCO<

love the anthias… these are the Maldives Version? I have a Maldives Male and he is stunning with his colors. cant wait to pick up 3 females for him

Yes that is what kind they are.

WOW! You have pretty tank and corals and fish!

Thanks Ken, I am totally addicted to this hobby of ours. Everybody here knows what I mean when I say this.The pleasure it brings, not to only myself, but to others is so well worth it.

Just an update on the harlequin shrimp I added to the tank. I have noticed now in the mornings that all the little star fish are on the left side of the tank. This is because I placed and have seen the shrimp on the right side of the tank. I’ve also noticed that the number of stars has dwindled down quite significantly.

John whats the plan when the little star fish are gone??

well, now that is a good question. There are stars living in my refugium, maybe i can keep enogh in there to feed the shrimp. Not really sure how many stars they will need. I think I read that they may only need one star a month each, but that sounds a bit small. Any suggestions are always welcome

Now that is something i have been thinking about. I have a huge number of somewhat larger micro brittle stars that are just everywhere in my tanks. I should give you a bunch to add to your tank clean up crew and see how they standup to feeding your harlequin shrimp. they are prolific. and the larger ones are more than an inch wingspan. maybe an inch and a half. I think your harlequins will like them. and if these stars reproduce faster than they are eaten, well, you have a stable food supply and tank cleaning crew.

They are a thin brittle star type. I give starter samples away all the time.

Wunt sum?

Thanks Ken for the offer, but the ones you describe are exactly like the ones that I have also. I don’t know how fast the shrimp actually eat the starfish, can’t imangine them eating so many this quick. Could be that the stars are just not showing themselves as much as b4. As long as I see the stars in my tank, there should be enough food available for the shrimp.
Maybe Jon has some input on this subject, he mentioned that he has seen harlequin shrimp wipe out stars in a tank.

hey, ken,i’d certainly take a starter sampler of the stars to help my cuc. next meeting? and a happy holidays to you.

OK Moli. remind me to bring some micro stars to the next meeting for you.

GREAT!! will do.