Any acropora frags for sale?

Looking to buy some acropora frags if anyone have any for sale? Thanks

I have some green milli, headed out of town for the weekend though, will post some images and sizes when I get back.

what r u looking for

Looking for any reasonable prices frags and to help out local reefer. I saw the pics of the DPA shipments. I’m looking to go up there later today or tomorrow. Thanks

Gordonious, let me know when you get back.

My apologies if I offend anyone in an effort to help. I struggle to understand the point of this forum if we are not permitted to help each other out but that’s just my :TWOCENTS.

[quote=“Jcling, post:5, topic:3184”]
I struggle to understand the point of this forum if we are not permitted to help each other out[/quote]
This forum starts to look like communist censorship. If this is a “reef clubs” forum, it should be separated from LFS business. Especially if moderator have ties to LFS.
It’s up to club members to choose right leadership to address this kind of problems.

[quote=“Rosti, post:6, topic:3184”]

[quote=“Jcling, post:5, topic:3184”]
I struggle to understand the point of this forum if we are not permitted to help each other out[/quote]
This forum starts to look like communist censorship. If this is a “reef clubs” forum, it should be separated from LFS business. Especially if moderator have ties to LFS.
It’s up to club members to choose right leadership to address this kind of problems.[/quote]

It should be pointed out that the marketplace section of the forum is for buying/selling/trading between premium members. Anyone who wants to point out a great deal at a LFS can either make a post in the store’s section (if they are sponsors), or in one of the general discussion areas.

I think we can all agree that on occasion we want to share news of a sale, or a rare fish (Petco’s $1/gallon sale, Craigslist items, etc.), but posting LFS prices/selection in response to a member’s WTB thread gets a bit fuzzy. That said, if anyone has news pertaining to an item that another member has specifically asked about, there is no harm in a PM.

I simply wanted to apologize to all the reefers with a soft spot for this topic whom I offended. There were two posts about DPA in this section, and they have been removed. End of topic. We all know what the marketplace section is for, continued talk on this point has no benefit in this section.

As far as I am concerned this issue should not be talked about furthermore in the marketplace section, if further comments are offered, they should be done so in a different section because this is a marketplace section and nothing more.


Good point. :BEER You have a PM.

Thank you :BEER

(replied to the PM :))