Any ideas on how to disguise a powerhead in the live rock?

Anyone have any neat ideas on how to hide powerheads in the live rock? I was thinking ffor my 2 maxijets of drilling through some more rocks to run a wire thru a pvc pipe put, put the pipe in the rocks and run it up to the top of the tank and put the ph on the bottom of the rock with enough space for the intake to be clear…
This seems like an awful lot of work thought and I don’t know what to do with the koralia since its a different shape. verdict_in
Just wanted to see if anyone did anything really cool with theirs. Any pics would be awesome! ::thinking::

I am not sure, but I do know if you start drilling more rocks your husband will go crazy. ::rofl:: One thing comes to mind is maintenance of power head after install, keep that in mind.

Agreed. I tried this once. Have you considered an external pump and flex hose tubing through the rock?

Check out tunze they have PH rocks for their turbelles that are sweet and designed for it.