Anyone have a good printer?

Any chance someone has a good printer (possibly one at work) that can print some signs for the tables for me? My printer is acting up and it’s not printing the way I want it to.

I’ve got all the signs made in a Power Point presentation, While it would look better in color, I’m ok with it being gray scale, just think it may work better with toner than ink.

I’d preferably like them by Friday when we set up the table so I can have them taped on and ready to go when we get there Saturday morning.

It’s about 30 pages.

I work in new castle, i can most likely print them at work. Can you email me the files?

Thanks. I’ll email shortly.

I have access to a large format printer at work if you wanted to do a big print of vendor layout to post on the wall for reference, and yes it will do color. It is an ink jet, so no water can get on it or it will run.

If you want to email it to me I can drop it off at DPA by Friday since I don’t think I will be able to make setup.

Hey Pat do you think anyone woukd notice If you used it to print a full color banner about 8’ long to hang over the door?

I don’t know if it will do 8 feet. Biggest I’ve done on it is like 30X48.

So if I split the image in to 2 separate images you’d be able to pull it off?

[quote=“Cdangel0, post:7, topic:5233”]
So if I split the image in to 2 separate images you’d be able to pull it off?

^ I see what you did there :-)lol

Or Craig, you could cut an old sheet to banner size and let the kids letter a sign with some paint. it would look nice and homey.

[quote=“hondacbr600rr, post:8, topic:5233”]

[quote=“Cdangel0, post:7, topic:5233”]
So if I split the image in to 2 separate images you’d be able to pull it off?

^ I see what you did there :-)lol[/quote]

That’s how he rolls.

That being said Craig you still haven’t sent me any files.

That’s because you still haven’t said yes. :slight_smile:

I’ve got the raffle pages, and table signs covered, Honda is printing them for us.

[quote=“Cdangel0, post:11, topic:5233”]
That’s because you still haven’t said yes. :slight_smile:

I’ve got the raffle pages, and table signs covered, Honda is printing them for us.[/quote] i printed them today, i know you said grey scale was fine but i couldnt figure out how to get it off the color setting. So they are color, they look nice.

[quote=“Cdangel0, post:11, topic:5233”]
That’s because you still haven’t said yes. :slight_smile:

I’ve got the raffle pages, and table signs covered, Honda is printing them for us.[/quote]

Well until you send them I have nothing to test it out with >LOCO< :stuck_out_tongue: lOl