Anyone having problem viewing our website?

Anyone having problem viewing our website? I’m having problem opening some of the threads. I’m also having problem opening my PMs. If anyone PM me, I apologized I can’t open it to read it. Maybe Frank can help us out.

as per my topic the other day, Joomla has issues with the php version that our web hosting company has upgraded to. Try going directly to the forum

Occasionally I have some problems opening the website. I also have issues with topics being marked read or viewed since last visit when they are not. The later is more of an inconvience really. I also have problems when pushing the button to post, nothing happens. I have to close and reopen the browser to make it work and by that time I don’t want to go through finding the topic and retyping everything again. As for pm there has been a few that people say they sent and I have no record of. Can’t verify this though.

Can’t view the par reading thread.

Scott did you try it from the link I posted ?

yes i am haveing sporadic problems too. like fer instance trying to open jeff wernocks thread for ID help, just gives me a banner and half of blue page with a joomla link or something. if that helps you zero in a littl e.

and now the one on Salt Water Books in general discussion.

OK, they work from your alternate link for me.