I’m thinking of using a DC pump like the Waveline DC5000. Wondered if anyone has used this or something similar like Diablo 5000 (the gen 1 version). I might go DC on the skimmer since I haven’t replaced the pump on my octopus. Was thinking diablo 3500s. All the reviews are good but I want to know about long term reliability. I’m most concerned with the controller crapping out leaving it useless.
I replaced my two return Mag 9’s, with a Diablo 10500 a few month’s ago, so far so good. I figured I’m saving about 100W of power, but I’m sure my heater is working a little harder, so I don’t know what the net effect is.
I wouldn’t worry about the controller crapping out. If it does, I’ll build you a new one. Controlling a DC motor is trivial.
Has anyone heard an update on progress of making these pumps neptune apex controllable? I know it was being worked on, but not sure if put to market yet.