anyone want some koi? FREE

[quote=“moliken, post:19, topic:1611”]
glenn and i had a great time getting soaked and being outsmarted by a bunch of fast dumb fish.[/quote]

PHew…I’m not the only one outsmarted by fish.

“I can almost see it in my head…at least you guys had fun!”
well i wouldn’t quite call it FUN, but it was FUNNY. sorta like playing poker against doyle brunson–we were there, but once the cards were shuffled, we didn’t stand a chance,

well atleast we knew when to fold lOl

always fold 7 2 offsuit in first position!

Continuing the koi saga:
Glenn brought over a sinking net and caught 3 koi in 4 tries, avoided the rain, and didn’t hurt any fish. all is well. abcd
fortunately humans make tools. so there are now about 4 -6 koi left to go. line forms on the right. no pushing or shoving. lol

If theres already not a line for the koi, I could go for one, my pond is sitting empty. Catch your own? I’m on campus so I could swing by saturday at the earliest, if not all the koi are spoken for that is.

If theres already not a line for the koi, I could go for one, my pond is sitting empty. Catch your own? I’m on campus so I could swing by saturday at the earliest, if not all the koi are spoken for that is.
look for a pm on sat morning if there is anything more i can let go of.

Alright sounds good,

paul ill be over this sunday.

pm’d you