Apex saves the night

Well my Apex just saved me big time, Got a email alert that temp was low, 75.5º so go and investigate and discovered that my ATO had timed out and sump was still low look at the back of the tank and at 11:00 at night find my overflow bulkhead failed and was squirting water out like a waterpik, was able to fix it and only lose about 4 gals of water, would of been a lot worse without that email alert.

Good thing! i’m just curious how the leak dropped the temp ::thinking::

[quote=“saltcreep, post:2, topic:4965”]
Good thing! i’m just curious how the leak dropped the temp ::thinking::[/quote] The temp dropped because the ATO was pumping in cool water, I have my temp alarm set at 75.5º and my low temp at 76.5º so it only had to drop a degree or so.

[quote=“Hudzon, post:3, topic:4965”]

[quote=“saltcreep, post:2, topic:4965”]
Good thing! i’m just curious how the leak dropped the temp ::thinking::[/quote] The temp dropped because the ATO was pumping in cool water, I have my temp alarm set at 75.5º and my low temp at 76.5º so it only had to drop a degree or so.[/quote]

ahhhhh, i see. oooops

Add a new alarm to catch it a bit faster. Name it ATOTooLong.

Programming should go something like:
Set ON
If Outlet TopSumpFloat = OFF Then OFF
If Outlet ATOResGood = OFF Then OFF
Defer 001:30 Then ON
Defer 999:00 Then OFF
If Outlet ATOResGood = OFF Then OFF

I believe this would work. Concept is basically if your top off pump would usually never runs for an entire minute because after ~20 seconds the float is under water, then some water has disappeared somewhere.(aka there is a leak) The last line will prevent getting duplicate emails when your reservoir is empty.(It would be best just to receive an email saying your reservoir was empty versus an email about a symptom of your reservoir being empty.)

May consider a couple of these as well: http://www.specialtyalarms.com/site/1313932/product/80-519

Glad to hear the Apex is helping.

Gotta love the apex but there is one downside to the apex. If it fails I will miss it soooo much!! I think gordonious has a backup. That’s a good idea! I had my e mail setup and now it’s not working I think my one email address screwed up so I set another one up and can’t figure out how to get it working again. Oh and mine saved me this morning too I shut my heater down during a water change and forgot to turn them back on the alarm was going off when I was leaving for work. Broke the phone out and turned them back on. If not for this the temp could have been 73 instead of 75.