Aqualight Pro HQI/Compact Fluorescent/Lunar Light Fixture, Suspension Kit

Hi guys!

My light is still on consignment at Pacific Aquatics. At this point I will take any offers. PM me if
you are interested and I will call PA and let them know what I am willing to take. I think right now
they are asking for $250 for light and timer.



Aqualight Pro HQI/Compact Fluorescent/Lunar Light Fixture, Suspension Kit

Dual Coralife Power Center Timer

what size is it???

What size is it?

the link posted is for a 24 inch fixture

iirc - dynagirl had a 92G corner … so i would think 24 might be about right

Its on the consignment shelf at DPA Ian.

[quote=“kaptken, post:6, topic:1772”]
Its on the consignment shelf at DPA Ian. [/quote]

I think it’s @ Dr Mac’s, actually.

oh, sorry, the other light.

Its the 24 inch and its at Pacific Aquatics.


Do you mean Delaware’s Premium Aquatics (DPA)?

[quote=“IanH, post:10, topic:1772”]
Do you mean Delaware’s Premium Aquatics (DPA)?[/quote]

I mean the place where Gordonius used to work…

YES. I just found the business card…it is at Premium Aquatics…sorry! Having a baby makes you
loose your mind!

Lol ok, just wanted to make sure that was clarified.

MOM… It’s a tough job, but sombody’s got to do it! Hope someone finds a need for your light fixture. Its a pretty good one and needs a nice tank to illuminate. At DPA.

There has been some confusion as to the specs on the light.

It is a 24" 280 watt fixture with 1-150 watt HQI and 2-65 watt actinics and 2 lunar lamps.
Comes with the legs and the suspension kit if you want to hang it from the ceiling.

I bought it new so its about 2 1/2 years old. It is now on consignment at DPA for $150.


[quote=“dynagirl, post:14, topic:1772”]
It is now on consignment at DPA for $150.[/quote]

I stand corrected. Sorry, I thought you meant Dr Mac’s when you said Pacific Aquatics. My bad …