Atlantis marine World Pics

Here is a link with pics from Atlantis Marine World Reef tank.

I thought you might be interested in reading this web page:

Not a lot of pictures left.

Yeah I scrolled down and foud another link with more pics in it check it out

That tank is so awesome. We should take a club trip to go see it and try to get a tour of the equipment.

If you really are thinking of doing that, you can post and talk to the owner, his name is Joe, username is JustJoe, on the LIRA (Long Island Reefers Association) forum in the reef clubs section, Northeast clubs, on Reef Central. He would probally enjoy giving the cub a behind the scenes tour of the tank. I have had the pleasure of seeing it and was totally amazed. Joe is a very nice guy and very knowledgable about reef tanks and corals.