In anticipation of our trip to Atlantis Marine World i thought i would share a few interesting facts about Joe and Atlantis. I thought these would give everyone a couple of topics and ideas for questions when we get a chance to speak with Joe.
in 1993 Joe set up a 1500g tank at the New York Aquarium in Brooklyn and was one of the first in the
country to enjoy success with some of the SPS corals that are now ubiquitious in the hobby.
currently has the honor of having the largest bio-mass of aquarium grown hard corals in the world
held the title of having the worlds largest reef aquarium from 2000-2007
wtinesses the rare captive spawning of several fish including various wrasse, anthias, angels of the family Genicanthus, and surgeonfish including Z. flavescens, Z. xanthurum, and P. hepatus.
most intersting, in my opinion, is that fact that Joe has hinted at Atlantis retaking the title of world’s largest
reef tank in the near future!
Maybe we can be lucky enough to get the inside scoop on some of the current projects that Joe and the rest of his crew are working on!!
We are getting close! I plan to email Joe in about a week to re-confirm our BTS tour. Once i have final confirmation i will email everyone with the exact departure location and time as well as final information regarding transportation.
Oh Good! I got two new tires on the front of my Saturn Vue a few weeks ago. will get two more for the rear before we go. its time, and will be ready to roll! Sushi and iced green tea for travel snacks in the KenMobile?
Hey, for the record, what day are we going to Atlantis? there’s a date on your 2010 calendar post, but i thought i saw a different date somewhere. cant find it now. and cant rememberif it was changed.