Back from the dead! (Not the tank but me :-P)

Hey guys! Well I have survived almost everything (except real life) what with death semesters, moving into a new apartment, lots of doctor visits for mysterious illnesses, surgery, and job searching in this economy! verdict_in As well as surviving my 21st birthday BoNg Now I’m back and I wanna play with my tank like I used to! Since i last left, the McCoskers Wrasse got what we can only think was an internal parasite and died near the end of last semester. The Chalk Bass decided to go carpet surfing some time before move out… I thought he was hiding and it wasn’t until move out that I found the poor little bugger. Now I still have the bicolor blenny and my roomie got me a royal gramma for my birthday. Here is some updated tank shots that I took tonight!

The white is from the die off from the move I guess but its slowly coming back!

Anyone want some GSP? lolol

My new torch! I love it!

Well funny story about the torch is I wanted it to go where the Yuma was but the Yuma decided it liked the rock it was on and attached but when i was trying to gently pull its small rock off the other rock the smaller rock with four small heads on it came off… well that was a cheap way for me to frag! But none the less I started up my frag tank (FINALLY) and I’m going to start hopefully soon. I’m going to try to get the yumas a little bigger and see where they go. But seriously… any one want GSP? Its EVERYWHERE!!! If you see something you like… lemme know and I can try to frag you some… The GSP honestly… I’ll give it away… It grows like wildfire in my tank. I am definitely willing to trade. Even for snails… cause i lost some during the move and when my tank overheated (cause my ex room mate is psycho and keeps it boiling in the room!). But since then tank has leveled out thanks to a fan that is kept on it during the day!

Ultimately my other fish loving room mate and I agree that there is something missing from the tank… I am considering getting another wrasse like the McCoskers or similar… any thoughts? I saw a filamented wrasse at DPA and I ALMOST got it but my tank wasn’t quite stable enough for me to feel comfortable adding a new fish. But any reccomendations? Fish, corals? Keep in mind. I AM A POOR COLLEGE STUDENT! :TWOCENTS

Hey! Welcome Back! I wasn’t around much when you posted before, but your tank looks like it is healthy after all that moving around!

How big is your tank?

Its a 24G Aquapod. Its the biggest I could go while being a college kid and moving around :-P… I’m sure when I get my house/apartment in the future I’ll have a much bigger one.

I only really moved down the street from the old place. But it always seems to do ok when I move it. I have yet to have any real problems with moving. knock on wood

The best part about the move is i had a “live” bin where i had the corals and the bicolor blenny for moving and I was putting stuff back when a piece of “rock” i grabbed ended up being what i think was a gorrilla crab? (no picture i kept it out just in case it was a bad crab) and it was tucked up and when i grabbed it it unleashed and I screamed, threw it back into the bin as a reaction, did the little girl dance thing and then laughed at how bad that little thing scared me . Then I realized it was that cute itty bitty crab I saw one time at the start of my tank! He is also the source for the mantis shrimp “popping” noises I was hearing… I thought for sure I had a mantis shrimp but since i removed him… no more popping… and no more disappearing snails!

[quote=“bugbabe623, post:3, topic:1971”]
Its a 24G Aquapod. Its the biggest I could go while being a college kid and moving around :-P… I’m sure when I get my house/apartment in the future I’ll have a much bigger one.

I only really moved down the street from the old place. But it always seems to do ok when I move it. I have yet to have any real problems with moving. knock on wood

The best part about the move is i had a “live” bin where i had the corals and the bicolor blenny for moving and I was putting stuff back when a piece of “rock” i grabbed ended up being what i think was a gorrilla crab? (no picture i kept it out just in case it was a bad crab) and it was tucked up and when i grabbed it it unleashed and I screamed, threw it back into the bin as a reaction, did the little girl dance thing and then laughed at how bad that little thing scared me . Then I realized it was that cute itty bitty crab I saw one time at the start of my tank! He is also the source for the mantis shrimp “popping” noises I was hearing… I thought for sure I had a mantis shrimp but since i removed him… no more popping… and no more disappearing snails![/quote]

Haha I can imagine it! I’ve done similar things, but surely wouldn’t admit to it :D.

Even for snails... cause i lost some during the move and when my tank overheated

hey. your more than welcome to swing by again and grab some more if you want

Tank looks pretty nice. ;D

I’ve got plenty o GSP, thank you! But i can give you a little ball of a few polyps of neon green zoos. nice and bright. I seem to recall you have some kind of MH lighting? you should be able to grow anything. Want an acro frag too? you have plenty of soft corals. time to BRANCH OUT.

If you are attending the Barbeque, I can bring them then.

I plan on going to the Barbeque, I have only heard stories of Jon’s tanks so I wanted to see for myself as well as get back to see everyone! Yup I have MH lighting, and yes I am aware i have lots of softies :stuck_out_tongue: I just haven’t bitten the bullet to try an acro yet, but sure I’ll try one out :smiley:

Tank is looking nicely matured and coming along great! I am always a little nervous about picking rocks up, I’ve found numerous weird crabs and HUGE bristleworms! I fear the day I find a mantis shrimp!

[quote=“DamnPepShrimp, post:9, topic:1971”]
Tank is looking nicely matured and coming along great! I am always a little nervous about picking rocks up, I’ve found numerous weird crabs and HUGE bristleworms! I fear the day I find a mantis shrimp![/quote]

… says the guy who sold me 125lbs of rock!! LOL

j/k man, the stuff is looking nice!


OK i pick a good starter one for you.