Back of tank painted??

Ok I kno I saw this somewhere where peeps talking about painting the back of your tank, but cant seem to find it, maybe it was on another forum, but anyway, What’s the best paint to use? Is there a paint you never want to use on your tank? Thinking going black or blue, what’s your color if you have yours painted and why?

I have mine painted black, used a small roller with just regular paint. Color is just personal preference IMO, although I have seen some nice tanks with blue backgrounds. I knew when building my stand that I wouldn’t have much space behind the tank to keep it clean and that is why I chose to .
paint it, paint it, paint it …paint it black. Yeah LOL

There’s a krylon spray paint that is for glass. I used it on my 40 gallon and painted it black. Dried really quick. I can’t remember the exact name if it, but if you search for krylon glass paint, you should find it.

Thanks for the replies, spray is a good idea but not an option at this point, tanks are in place and full of goodies. and basically if I read your posts correctly I should be good as long as its glass paint?

[quote=“houndsbayman, post:2, topic:7962”]
I have mine painted black, used a small roller with just regular paint. Color is just personal preference IMO, although I have seen some nice tanks with blue backgrounds. I knew when building my stand that I wouldn’t have much space behind the tank to keep it clean and that is why I chose to .
paint it, paint it, paint it …paint it black. Yeah LOL[/quote]

just reread this and noticed you said regular paint

good deal just don’t want anything leaching into tank if that’s even possible

Black latex paint. Multiple coats. Then add 2 more coats.

[quote=“Cdangel0, post:6, topic:7962”]
Black latex paint. Multiple coats. Then add 2 more coats.[/quote]
Sooo My math is a little rusty but that was 5 coats? j/k :BB) BoNg

[quote=“Cdangel0, post:6, topic:7962”]
Black latex paint. Multiple coats. Then add 2 more coats.[/quote]

I use black latex. if i ever want if off ( to sell or im tired of it,) just put a damp towel on it for a few hours and easily scrape off.

I used window tint

Another option I’ve seen and like is vinyl from a sign company.

Completely opaque, and easily removed if you ever want. Just make sure to take your time applying it to avoid air bubbles.

I have not painted mine but there is this new plasticoat paint that goes on pretty thick and they have few colors but the main thing if you don’t like it , it will peel off with very little effort.

Personally I have painted my tank with the latex several coats when I first got in the hobby somewhat 10 yrs ago. Like one of the member said what if it’s leaks into your system, I’ll shit if lost all invested livestock!
I prefer the safe way, put window tint, some LFS sell it. Now the air bubble some will get a few when applying, really with all the live rock and corals and fish moving around I would not pay attention to that.

Am I the only one who uses just spray paint? Its cheap, easy and drys fast. Painted several tanks and it’s always held up.

[quote=“bnelson, post:13, topic:7962”]
Am I the only one who uses just spray paint? Its cheap, easy and drys fast. Painted several tanks and it’s always held up.[/quote]

I used spray paint on my 40. Unfortunately, I was so excited to start setting up my 90 I completely forgot about spraying the back. If you have an empty tank, it’s the easiest way to paint it.

I’ve painted the back of all of my tanks dark blue. I just use cheap latex paint and a roller.

yep black latex…at least 4 coats here, plus the magnets for my circulation pumps pushed right through to the glass leaving circles that let light through from old placement locations. At least its easy to get off. I think I would try blackout window tint next time.

or , you can just let the coraline grow and cover the back glass. dont clean it. but i have read somewhere, that a nice bright blue is best, because it reflects the important blue light back in the tank that corals need. and makes em look better with reflected Under-Coral light. helps em grow a bit better than black. or so ive heard. but sooner or later, the coraline will cover it up.