Backer Show?

I know there are other people that work in the industry that post and read the forum. If anyone is headed to the Backer Show this week please send me a PM or e-mail. I am trying to get in touch with a vendor that was at the show several years ago and I can’t seem to find their website or any info.


Ken and Marty are going.

Thanks Craig. I’ll send them e-mails… Actually no I am not emailing an accountant tonight. I’ll just email Ken.

[quote=“Gordonious, post:3, topic:5368”]
Thanks Craig. I’ll send them e-mails… Actually no I am not emailing an accountant tonight. I’ll just email Ken. [/quote]

What… You think Marty might be busy?? ::rofl:: ::rofl:: ::rofl:: ::rofl:: ::rofl:: ::rofl::

Im busy too. still finishing the forms. got to go get some stamps. and ink final copies.