Baltimore aquarium last Saturday

Took the little one to the National aquarium on Saturday, had a great time. I think my reef tank looks better than theirs lol, mostly because my corals aren’t half dead… who the heck takes care of that thing?!

Anyway, here are a few pics!

lots of dead/dying coral…

puffer the size of a basket ball… forgive the terrible digital zoom…

Nice pictures. I would love to go there again, my sons mom just took him this past weekend so maybe we will go to the Jersey one.

my wife and i just went to the jersey one the other week and both think it sucked especially for $25 a person baltimore is leaps and bounds better. jersey didnt even really have any coral and it was just the same 10 types of fish over and over again

Cool pics Tim, how big was the octopus?

[quote=“saltcreep, post:4, topic:5120”]
Cool pics Tim, how big was the octopus?[/quote]

At least 5’ in diameter, if not more, pretty cool.

Anna liked these tubes they had in the entrance, I actually had 2 of them in my old house’s living room but sold them… I’m going to have them in my next house agian!

forgot one!

I want a jelly tank now!

We went to Baltimore aquarium last July and the corals were so much better looking then. What happened?? The octopus is new since then I think. When I was there I was able to feed archer fish crickets on the end of a stick while they shot them down with jets of water. It was really neat. Will have to see if I can find Pics to post to compare coral shots. Thanks for the heads up on the NJ aquarium as I was about to get tickets soon and will not be now. I have a poster of saltwater fish from there with a few fish labeled incorrectly. I guess thats what to expect when you outsource to China. Thanks for sharing the pics.

The biotope tanks are impressive, but their reef displays are clearly lacking. Last time I was at the Baltimore Aquarium, I herd two women standing around a tank speaking about how impressive the coral was . Problem is that the coral was plastic…There is a pretty nice aquarium in downtown D.C ( The National Aquarium)