Best way to deal with Zoa eating Nudibranch'

how are you trying to catch them? I think a good idea would be to siphon them out, just start the siphon and drain it into your sump then put a fishnet at the end and suck them out, they’d be very easy to get to, just use a tube big enough to suck them clean out.

I have one of those extended arm things and a turkey baster. I tried to syphon when I do my water change but the tube just gets stuck I have not tried with a airline yet but right now I do not see anymore.

What about 1/2 vinyl tubing

[quote=“JustSumGuy, post:19, topic:4494”]
What store has that locally? I do not remember ever seeing it at DPA or at Bill’s[/quote]

Could drive around see whats new and support the local stores or save the gas and make some phone calls. Either way I’d be surprised if you couldn’t find some in Delaware.
When I worked at DPA they always had it in stock. Pretty sure Bill carried it as well, but I don’t know if he does any more. There is a good reason why you didn’t see it. If you do see it out on the shelf somewhere I would be concerned. They’re typically kept behind the counter in a refrigerator.

DPA fridge is in plain view and Bill does not carry it. I talk to the people at these places everytime I am at any LFS. I have been going to Bills since I was kid pretty much. Maybe one day I will check some places down south. I am always up for checking other stores out.

I think the live display fridge at DPA has been gone for MONTHS…

[quote=“saltcreep, post:26, topic:4494”]
I think the live display fridge at DPA has been gone for MONTHS…[/quote]

Meaning they put the bottles in another fridge or they stopped carrying live planktons?

Way back they used to have frozen on the floor and refrigerated behind the counter.

I think DPA has a bottle or two of DTs phyto reef blend. Even though DTs has closed and moved their farm to florida. it should be producing again about now. they stocked the supply chain before they moved. Charlie said it was still on the buy list. I bought a bottle a month or two ago.