This afternoon my amazing Bi-Mac decided to make a bad decision… He ate my girlfriend’s ORA Mandarin directly in front of her face. She is devastated and demanded his departure from the tank. He’s one of the last Bi-Macs brought into the pet trade before they became a protected species. He’s also known as the California Blue Spot Octopus, not to be confused with the deadly blue-ring octopus. He’s really smart but refuses to leave the tank, he’s been invited out of the tank and he refuses to crawl out. We don’t even have lids on the tank, day or night.
He has to go to a good home, someone who can respect and research these incredibly smart creatures. Here is a link that sorta got side tracked into my a discussion about the octopus in question.
This is a rather pressing event. Send PM’s or email Joshua.L.Roark@gmail . com
I apologize for the irony of this situation in advance…
-Josh ::hitsthefan::