Big Data is Tracking You by your Smart Phone

Here is something important. I Just read this article on the news. always heard about it, but here are instructions to fix it if you want.

Your Smart phone is probably still tracking you’re every move , and just about anyone can track you in real time, if they know where to look on the web.

unless you turned it off. but then, if you do turn it off, and if you should happen to get lost in the wilderness, followed by stalkers or paparazzi, or abducted by aliens for probing, the Rangers can’t locate you by your phone tracking. of course, if you are outside of cities way up in the back country, or in a flying saucer, you might be out of cell tower range anyway.

hmmm, always tough choices… tracked by Stalkers… or abducted by aliens?

Danged if you do, and Danged if you don’t!!

Ken you are too funny! I’m not sure which would be worse!!!

Yeah, I know. But Im not worried since i dont have a smart phone. but i know friends whose phones logs and posts all the places they go on FB and stuff. spooky. Not for me. and you get more spam too. i guess.

lOl welcome to the 21st century Ken, privacy is an illusion

And now for my next trick. I’ll throw my phone in the lake. That will fix em!! Let them talk to the fishes. I like the 20th century better. When the rotary phone on the kitchen wall rang, everyone ran to answer it. Because you didn’t know who might be calling and calls were scarce and therby more important/ today , everything is screened and goes straight to voicemail and then the trash bin.
With so much connectivity today, there seems to be less actual live communication.
you will probly read this hours or days later.

Of course, we had a sort of hacking of phone communications back then too. It was picking up the phone real slow and quiet like so as you could listen in on your party lines conversation!!

Ah!! The good old days!