big sale two days only, summer maddnes begins today

lets mix thing up a little, print this thread and get 25% off of any 1 coral or fish and 15% off of every other fish or coral of equal or lesser value that you purchase valid sat 4/25 and sun 4/26. you must print this thread it is your coupon.

thanks for your interest

how about some sorts list of corals. i’m in smyrna, and it’s a haul if there’s nothing i’d really want.
and hours youre open today & sunday’d help

on weekends we are open 10 - 5, our corral tank always has something to want, always the sweetest cherry picked corals.

don’t worry if you miss this one summer madness has just begun, watch us closely there is more (weak) but cool specials to come… thanks to every one who made this weekend a success, I hope you enjoyed cherry picking the goodies and getting sweet discounts.


Certainly did Matt! Let us know when you get that ‘hot tub’ done for customers :wink:

this weeks sale will be posted a bit earlier, but you have to pay attention. should be a good one so keep reading, and dont be late to the table.
