I have a Black Angler fish from ERI that needs to be sold. He is 2-3" and is healthy as can be. He is eating ghost shrimp, guppies, and random other small fish. I just want what I paid for him, $100.
Give me a post or PM.
I have a Black Angler fish from ERI that needs to be sold. He is 2-3" and is healthy as can be. He is eating ghost shrimp, guppies, and random other small fish. I just want what I paid for him, $100.
Give me a post or PM.
you had an angler fish? what did it eat lol
LMAO, it ate Jess’ Chalk Basslet… again she witnesses the demise of her treasured fish… girl can’t win. :SURRENDER
StoneReefer did you not just have an octopus in your tank? You can feel free to post here if there are any other animals you would like to try out. May save you some money and some animals from being in your tank and unwanted.
Anglers should be kept in aquarium all to themselves. They will often try to swallow fish to large to eat and choke on them. Since they often look like algae and sponge many very larger fish will peck at them. They should NEVER be lifted into the air.(please keep this in mind when transferring it out of your tank) You should be aware they occasionally come in with parasitic isopods they should be carefully inspected for. There is a wealth of other very important details to know about these animals before purchasing them that is fairly easy to come by. If anyone is considering this animal or ANY animal for your aquarium it is wise to do a bit of reading first.
No way you could install a frag tank on the system to house the animal? It seems as there is a desire to have an aggressive aquarium and a reef aquarium. Many aquariust, myself included, end up with more the one tank to fulfill both wants. I have a 65gallon aquarium that currently houses a very large moray eel. The drain from that tank is connected to my anemone propagation tank… anemones love dirty water and couldn’t be happier.
Yea, thanks for the tip Gordy. I’ll be sure to run all future purchases through your inbox… I appreciate your input, I do, but lets not come off like a complete dick when posting in my thread. That’s not cool.
So anyway, I’ve had no problems with this guy, aside from the aforementioned eating experience. SaltCreep was present for the whole incident. All due respect to the GF’s fish, it was pretty badass. John got some photos of the fish as well. Perhaps he’ll be kind enough to post them for me.
Thanks Market Place!
i have had an angler for 7 or so months. would love to have another one but not sure if can house 2 in same tank? what ya think on this jon?
wish i had a tank for him ::
here’s the pics you requested
mouth open…
and closed
I LOVE those pictures! I have no idea how you were able to pull it off, but nicely done Sir.
Thanks John
[quote=“StoneReefer_210, post:1, topic:5410”]
I have a Black Angler fish from ERI that needs to be sold. He is 2-3" and is healthy as can be. He is eating ghost shrimp, guppies, and random other small fish. I just want what I paid for him, $100.
Give me a post or PM.
Price Negotiable. Anyone interested?
does anyone know if they can be housed with another angler?
Hey Martinfamily. As far as I can research, similar sized angler’s can be housed in a large enough enclosure. I would make sure your tank has plenty of feeders of course.
If anyone else could add anything to this, please feel free.
Thanks for the interest!
i have mine in a 28 gallon aqua pod. small for two maybe. not sure will research some tonight or tomorrow nite and see
It has been too long since I have read about them at length, but from what I remember many species will not tolerate others in the same aquarium. It is possible to get mated pairs that are harvested together from the wild, but from what I remember it is difficult trying to make a pair that weren’t collected together to begin with. I believe Anthony Calfo wrote up a pretty good article on these guys at some point you may be able to find. Try searching ReefKeeping online magazine as well(often linked to from Reef Central).
Please make me an offer on this little guy. I’ll entertain them all.
Thank you,
Please close the thread. The Angler has gone to a good home. Thanks everyone.