Black Egg Crate Order

Im doing another order for black eggcrate. I was going to order tonight but figured i would see if anyone wants to jump in on the order. Im will order tomorrow so i know its not a lot of lead time. If anyone wants any pm or email me. Its $12.15/piece for 5-24 pieces so $13.00/piece should cover shipping costs if anyone wants one or two pieces. All that i ask is that you are either coming to the meeting or can pick it up at my house before the meeting. I will front the cost until then. Please do not ask me to order and then change your mind.

I’ll take a piece. Thanks for making a post.

ill take a piece…

i will take two

Put me down for one also, thanks

Just a quick update, the shipping is WAY more than it was the last time i ordered. The tricky part is i wont have a good shipping estimate until i have a total for everyone. At 8 pieces the shipping is $19.99 at 9 sheets it goes up to 24.99 but the cost per sheet doesnt go down. To keep it cheapest for everyone im only going to do an order of 8 sheets. So far i have

Logans_Daddy X 3
Gorodonious X 1
Marchingbandjs X 1
JJhanson X 2
Houndsbayman X 1

This brings the shipping to an even $3.33 each. To make the math even it will run $15/sheet with shipping included. Its still cheaper than a piece of white eggcrate and a can of black spray paint >LOL< If anyone changes their mind you can just pm me.

Just realized that makes 8 so that will do it. Im placing the order right now and will update with the delivery date when i have one. Thanks.

is there a reason to prefer black over white?

asthetics for the most part. at least thats why i prefer it. Why go through all the trouble of having a black background, black overflows, etc only to add white eggcrate? I know some people say that it will all be purple in time but thats never been the case for me.

I just bought a harem of anthias yesterday and as i was acclimating them i thought to myself “oh $@^%, these guys jump” ;D Dont ask me why it took me that long to remember! My tank has black trim with a black light fixture suspended above. Thought it would be worth the extra couple of dollars for the black eggcrate.

Some people say that the white eggcrate causes a brown algae bloom. And after a few months you can soak it in a vinegar bath and it won’t have brown algae anymore. I have the white EC in my frag tanks and they do have brown algae on them. Buying the black eggcrate, will allow me to see if the BE will grow any brown algae on it. I will also be able to swap them out when they need to be cleaned off.

Here are two pics from somethinfg I read about this problem. The person said that after 4 months, no brown algae.

the pics just showed up! thnks john

Darn sad that I missed out on this… Good deal and I have been looking for black eggcrate!

If I may add my :TWOCENTS

Black acrillic grows corraline algae So much quicker and easier than white from my experience, which is great for ascetics, and as we know… coraline algae is much better for coral growth when compared to diatom algae :slight_smile:

It actually makes more sense to simply do another order as oppose to one larger order. If there is enough interest to do another order of 8 pieces i woulnd mind organizing. Im just not made of money so i would have to collect in advance at the meeting! ;D

Well mark me down for one if we can get 8 more people!

i’ll be number 2

If needed to hit another 8 I will pick up another one as I am sure I will need it at some point in the next year.

Eggcrate will be here on the 11th so i will have it at the meeting for everyone who ordered! I might even have an extra piece depending on how i cut mine.