All we will be posting photos tomorrow of all the Black Friday sales.
All colonies will be $25
Aussie Scollies $65
All Frags two for $15
Free Delivery ON SUNDAY> :GEEK:
All we will be posting photos tomorrow of all the Black Friday sales.
All colonies will be $25
Aussie Scollies $65
All Frags two for $15
Free Delivery ON SUNDAY> :GEEK:
Where are the photos?
Im no math wiz but those corals dont add upto 400$? And non of these look like scollys?
Bottom mmessage ssays more on the way
So is Christmas! ::hitsthefan::
:: :
: :
[quote=“beadlocked450r, post:5, topic:7698”]
So is Christmas! ::hitsthefan::[/quote]
ha ha ha
Like Colony number 1 but want to see the rest before I commit.
Yea whats the hold up!? :BB)
Do we have to wait till sunday or what? :FLUSH)
Black Fridays over by Sunday Jdawg. Lol
No c-dawg sunday is delivery day! ::
I will commit to colony 1 if it has not been officially spoken for? Not sure if Patrick officially has first dibbs?
[quote=“mortyn02, post:13, topic:7698”]
I will commit to colony 1 if it has not been officially spoken for? Not sure if Patrick officially has first dibbs?[/quote]
You can have it. Best looking piece in this bunch. Was wanting to see them all before I decide.
[quote=“Patrickreef, post:14, topic:7698”]
[quote=“mortyn02, post:13, topic:7698”]
I will commit to colony 1 if it has not been officially spoken for? Not sure if Patrick officially has first dibbs?[/quote]
You can have it. Best looking piece in this bunch. Was wanting to see them all before I decide.[/quote]
hey they all look good the second one is so blue you have no idea. I was slacking so I have to post up the rest.
hey they all look good the second one is so blue you have no idea. I was slacking so I have to post up the rest.
They do all look good and are great deals for the price. But there has to be a best. I am hoping that it is still to come though. Colony 2 looks good also. Wanting to see what the other colonies look like. Got money to spend now wait until black friday and that might not be the case.
I am going to re post everythng tonight and get you all close ups of the colonies.
What time? I want to pick first! PBJ!
Well suns downs so it’s officially tonigh. Where’s the pics?
^^^^^^ im with dumdum^^^^^ :BB)