Blue clove polyp

Anyone have a frag i could buy?

Sure you want it?

Depends on price and size, any pictures by chance?

Blue clove is a common name lots of animals can fall under. There are some many people have considered to be down right invasive and a pest. I have some I call mini cloves that are more white then blue, but if you put enough actinic lights over them they are certainly blue. Is there a particular picture or video of this coral which inspired you to look for them?

Hopefully this link works, they very well may be white and just under atinic like you mention, I would certainly be interested in seeing a pic of yours.,r:13,s:0

Sure you still want them? Did you read the thread you linked to. First post, "Just wondering if anyone knew of anything that eats the small blue clove polyps that have been doing the rounds in the reef shops??? "

[quote=“Gordonious, post:4, topic:4698”]
There are some many people have considered to be down right invasive and a pest. [/quote]

I wouldn’t want to sell it to you until you realized some people consider them an undesirable invasive pest and are pleading with the massive to help them find a way to get rid of them. I’m not sure I have the exact same thing and I’ve never had an issue with what I have, but could be the conditions just haven’t been ideal for them to turn plague on me.

I didnt actually read the thread until just now, I was looking to add some blue to my tank and havent been having great luck with sps, so I was looking for some soft corals or lps that was blue. I guess I will pass since I dont need anything taking over my tank.

I have some blue cespitularia from jon, probably, but not necessarily unmounted, that could appear at the mtg. $10 ea.
plus i sent u a pm pic.