
Ok I spent some time doing research before starting to set up the aquarium (so advise I listened to some I didn’t but at least tried to have a reason for not listening)

Anyway moving on to developing a fish list (which will include all the living things in the reef tank)

Does anyone know any good books? (reef, fish, coral, inverts) I have a stack of non aquarium books that I need to get through so I don’t need anymore “other” good books. >LOL<


For corals I would reccomend Eric Bornemans book entitled “Aquarium Corals”. By far the best general coral book I have seen.

The pocket guides by Dr. Shimek are pretty good.
I got the Marine Invertebrates one from DPA for really cheap.
Good Pictures and Info…and its small enough to carry in stores while you browse.
They also have the pocket guide for Marine Fish.

Yeah, the pocket guide to Marine Fish and Inverts are really good too, especially for quick refrence.


That’s the type of book I am looking for. Something I can take with me to the store. And a starting point.

There is just too much info online (some good some not) if you can’t narrow it down.