Wonder if these will keep my stand from shaking. The braces are 2 1/2" x 12 x 1/4" bent into 6" x 6" 90 degree brackets. There is a 4" x 3/8" slot milled into the top to make it adjustable. There are 2 3/8" holes in the back for 3/8" x 2" lags to go into the studs. The top clamp is 3" x 1 1/2" x 1/4" box tubing that has been split length wise and then drilled and tapped for (2) 1/4 x 20 bolts to grab the metal frame and (1) 3/8 x 16 bolt to mount the clamp to the bracket.
They should add strength. If this is for a wood stand you also could add a bracket on a 45 degree angle from leg to the top where the tank rests. When wood is attached to another piece it has a tendency to act as a pivot and depending on how much play can be felt as shacking. Similar to a swing set or raised deck. I prefer to use a pocket joint with screws and glue to attach the bracing.
if it was wood it wood it would it wood have benn better this was a double stand that had no fastners that held it together it was all slip fit and with the {2} 75 gal tanks it was prety wobbly. the brackets fixed that it dont move at all now so now ic can build a 3 sided cabinit to hide the sump on the bottem
Is there a hose clamp on the black flexible tubing where it connects to the adapter in the bulk head? If not TLF makes plastic hose clamps. DPA usually has them in stock, but I may have bought them all, lol. May not need it, but rather save then sorry, especially with a pressurized line.