Brand New and Slightly Used Bulbs and Reflectors FS

I have three T12 48" ZooMed UVB 10.0 bulbs for sale. They go for $50 at the box stores and 25-35 online. Two were used for about a month and the other is brand new. All are in the original boxes. I also have a 48" T8 ZooMed Florasun bulb that is brand new in box which retails for about $13.

These bulbs are a must for most reptiles. If you dont have a fixture you can buy a two bulb fixture for $8.98 at lowes brand new. Id like to sell them in a lot for $40 but will accept pretty much any offer. I no longer use this style bulb so they are only going to collect dust.

I also have a dome reflector with a ceramic heat emitter(150w i think) that was used for about 3-6 months.

I’ll buy all three bulbs. Can you bring them to the BBQ? I’ll have cash.

So glad you posted, just yesterday my dragons light went out!

They’re all yours. Ill bring the T8 florasun bulb as well. If you cant use it im sure you can find someone that can.