breaking down a 180

going to have fish/rock/equipment for sale over the next few weeks. obviously ill start with the fish and rock first, i prolly have around 150 lbs of rock, i will weigh it as it comes out. $2/lb seasoned, various sizes from softball to 24" plus. no coraline algae (damn tiny stars ate it all)
fish list right now:
6" red coris wrasse- $40
8" vlamingi tang-$120
7" desjardini sailfin tang-$60
3"-4" clown tang-$25
4" pink tail trigger-$40
4" sailfin tang (red sea) $20

i also have 2-2x39w 36" t-5ho retro kits w/ all wires, ballasts, reflectors and bulbs. no idea what they may be worth retail, so make me an offer. i was thinking in the range of 150 for both. will have 2 more after the tank is down.

a turbofloater 1000 skimmer, $100

more to follow im sure, stay tuned!! pm or post here if interested in anything. all offers r considered!!! lol
located in Dover btw…

Breaking down the tank eh BJ. I thought you have bigger than 180. I’m guessing you got rid of all the corals as well already huh?

What is in the tank for substrate? im setting up my 40 long this week so could use some rock and sand.

yeah e, just havent had time for it lately and me n the wife will just focus on our 92 corner for a bit. i moved out 90% of my corals when i sold the halides… just 2 frogspawns left and a crap-load of green hairy shrooms left at this point. they will prolly move into the wifes tank.

afa the substrate is concerned, its mixed fine aragonite and black sand. a little of it is going into a 44 corner pent that my daughter wants to swap over from fresh to a “nemo” tank. and the rest is up for grabs, but not for a few weeks. i dont want to stir it all up for fear of spiking the tank with the livestock still in it.

sidenote: 75% of the rock is drilled and stacked on stands i.e. pillars. so if anyone is interested in making pillars for rockwork, this is already set up. (20" tall or so) there is 4 of them. 2 singles, and one double pillar. the larger stuff is just free-stacked in the center of the tank.

Taking offers on the whole kit n caboodle too!!! If anyone is interested before anything sells…

pm sent bj

here is whats left…
all the fish r left at this point, will prolly end up at the bowl by the end of the week.
have the tank, 2-2x36" t-5ho retro kits w, individual reflectors
turbofloater 1000 skimmer
mag 18 pump
75 gal. sump tank
couple of powerheads and heaters
some ugly rock in the sump
all the substrate (u never know!!! lol)
2- large rocks covered w/ grn hairy shrooms.
everything is best offer at this point, let me know!!!
ADDED**** 4" sohal tang-make offer!!!

bj, what are the p’heads. i may know a person with a need for something like yrs. post info. thnx.
i just saw bj’s tank. he has some amazing looking big fish and some great looking slightly smaller ones. if you have the tank, you oughta get up w/him.

Still interested in those live rock pieces if we can make it work…

PM sent on the fish if you still have them.

ok guys, sorry i havent been keeping this post utd lately. its been a busy few weeks!!!
fish r gone
rock is gone
1 set of lights is gone

so here is whats left…
2 - 2 bulb 36" t-5 h.o. retro kits. (ballasts, wiring, 2- power glo bulbs, and 2-ind. bulb reflectors)
180 gal tank
sump (75 gal tank w/ 3 chambers and baffles)
mag 18 pump
turbofloter 1000 skimmer w/ pump

EVERYTHING IS BEST OFFER!!! first come first serve… someone has gotta want a big project tank!!! lol

[quote=“DamnPepShrimp, post:10, topic:4767”]
PM sent on the fish if you still have them.[/quote]

Those fish are at the Fish Bowl in Dover. The only fish left are:
8" vlamingi tang
3"-4" clown tang
4" pink tail trigger
4" sohal tang

Very nice and healthy fish.

You still have those or the fish bowl only has those left? I’m not interested in buying any fish from a store, rather help a hobbyist out. Thanks anyway. Goodluck with the break down.