brightwell aqutics neomarine part 2

i reposted my last 2 posts of the thread over in the beginners forum because these forums got seperated while i was typing and i figure this isn’t beginner.

Ran a Ca test today on 5 gallons of water that has been mixing 24 hours and at 80 degrees @ 35 ppt via refractometer. Brightwells bucket says they are at 413 ppm calcium, i did double tests with salifert Ca test kit and used the 1ml syringe’s to measure out the water because the little tubes can be off sometimes i’ve found (ie. red sea’s PH tube says 6ml but if you use a 1ml syringe to measure out 6ml it reads almost 7ml on the tube) … anyhow… both tests came in at 375ppm.

Im about to run a salifert Mg test on the same bucket, if one number is horribly off i wonder what else is…

The bucket of salt was mixed thoroughly before i used any of it.

so far for all the hype im not impressed with this salt, two of the alk tests i ran the other day on another bucket mixing came in at 2.5 meq/l both times, then i ran out of reagents so im waiting on charlie at DPA to get my salifert alk test in this week.

On a side note, i read elsewhere that Brightwells numbers are impossible, supposedly even the best sea water lab in the country doesn’t test to 1/1000ppm of any of the buckets listed results.


@ 75 degrees @ 1.025 g/cm3 <<<<< lol??? specific gravity doesn’t equal density. and what is he measuring in density? there are so many different things in the salt mix with different densities that we can only take the specific gravity afterward and average them out. specific gravity is D/DH2O.

so the first part of the bucket tells me that (??? g/cm3) / (1g H2O/cm3) = 1.025

its ok to say specific gravity which we have to look at backwards because of the varity of densities in a salt mix but don’t confuse the two. so here i am baffled by this scientist already…

Cl- 19,321 ppm
So-2 2,711.5 ppm
Na+4 10,770 ppm
Mg+2 1,288 ppm
Ca+2 413 ppm <<<< i got 375 ppm twice
K+ 398 ppm
Br- 67 ppm
Sr+2 7.625 ppm << supposedly you can’t test strontium to 1/1000 ppm
B+3 4.5 ppm
F- 1.3 ppm

not really sure if you cannot measure that low but thats what i read somewhere.

correct me if im wrong on any of that BTW

ps. im not saying those readings would be bad at all, if they test out to those numbers.

Well this gave me the idea to test out Brightwells 2 part (Reef Code A and B)in the 5 gallons of mixing water and the product does what it says, or more.

It says 1ml of the calcium will increase 1 gallon of water by 16 ppm, i did this and retested the water at just under 400ppm.

Good results with this, also another good point, adjust your waters parameters before you change the water makes it a heck of alot easier.

salt is not a homogenous mixture. it is possible the ratio of salts u got is a little off.

as for the numbers they list, it could be a marketting tactic as there is no reef products consumer reports, and im sure there not testing to get them. they probably figure it out by ratios of what they add to the salt. it is possible the test kit is off. human error on that kit is ± 20ppm, our hobby grade kits are not “accurate” persay rather than precise.