bulk di reason group buy

I was asked to do this again lol. So here is how it is going to work I will ordering color changing di reason. It will cast $9 a lb if you send me a pound of old reason take a $1 off of the pound price. I will get it ordered and as soon as I find out when it will be here I will post when I would be able to ship it or you can pickup at my house. My zip is 18466. flat rate shipping of $15 up to 10 Lb if anyone wants in let me know.
thanks craig

You know I’m in.

Lets try to post how many pounds everyone wants.

[quote=“zona322, post:3, topic:4404”]
Lets try to post how many pounds everyone wants.[/quote]
i’m still on the 2 lbs i got last time.

[quote=“zona322, post:3, topic:4404”]
Lets try to post how many pounds everyone wants.[/quote]

I was just checking to see if anybody else wants in on it. I must be wasting mine or Paul you must have a great RODI unit.