Anyone know of a place locally to purchase a 1" bulkhead fitting?
DPA (Delaware Premium Aquatics) should have a few in stock, they did last time I checked…I think maybe $7 or $8, but thats off the top of my head.
I am in southern de… sorry i should have said that first…
The Fish bowl has them most of the time, or if you are far enough south you could try Doc Mac’s.
Where is Doc Mac’s?
Mardela Springs, Md
He is one of our sponsors, Pacific East Aquaculture, or
Dr Mac’s doesn’t carry bulkheads.
Yeah would say either The Fishbowl or look online. Of course it may be cheaper and faster in the long run to make a quick trip up north and check out some of the other local stores while you’re here.
I don’t know about faster, an hour in DPA feels like 10 minutes, and as far as cheaper :SPIT) if I reach for my walet there it’s not gonna be cheap. :: :: :: ::
How fast do you need them?
I was hoping today or tomorrow. I cracked one while making some plumbing adjustments.
If you can’t find them locally, BulkReefSupply shipped them quick to me…like 2-3 days tops…