I have some Cabbage that I am looking to frag. Would anyone be interested in a trade with this for other softies?
i think everone has this thanks to martinfamily. he was giving this stuff away.mine is doing well by the way.
Yeah, that is where I got mine a couple months ago… Grown outrageously since then though
lol lOl well to all who got a frag from me i am glad it is doing good. this is a real nice and easy growing coral. needs no special care, no need to feed, if you do not have any you should try a frag, so in few months you too will be fragging and giving others a nice coral to try.
i don’t have any but dont have anything to trade either, but would always accept a nice piece.
[quote=“moliken, post:5, topic:1131”]
i don’t have any but dont have anything to trade either, but would always accept a nice piece.[/quote]
You can come and take a piece of mine F R E E !
lOl ya it is like a weed you cut it and it keeps growing back
pm sent
It’s strange mine has hardly grown on me at all. I got mine from a different source though. Perhaps I should have picked up some form Glen. He seems to have a strong strain or something.
We would like a frag, can we pick it up at meeting?
Yeah, I’ll have a frag at the meeting.