hey been awhile me and jen got married and work and all that so the tanks been a bit neglected. we will be moving soon so im thinking of downsizing to a sub 50 gal set up as it will be easyer to move. any thoughts on the cad pro 39gal any other good ideas in that size range. plan on geting it set up in the apt moving over what we realy wana keep from the 90 and selling off the rest so i will soon post icys old 90 and vho set up with lots of rock and prob his huge toadstool in the marketplace soon. pm me if intrested
I have a 39 cad up and running and another I just got they are great tanks.
Mine did start out as a signature series but I took it apart, drilled it and made a overflow for it
How is the stock equipment skimmer pumps lights ext…
[quote=“GreenFishyNHam09, post:4, topic:3852”]
How is the stock equipment skimmer pumps lights ext…[/quote]
I got mine used and think the light is the one that came with it. If it is, it’s awesome. 150 HQI with 2=2 foot T5’s
Mine was the kind with the filtration built inside the tank which has been all taken out and tank drilled. I made my own sump and I’m using a turbo floater hang on skimmer which is rated alot higher then that little tank but works great on it. The one I just got probably not gonna keep but gonna do the same to it.