Calling all BRS reactor owners!!

If you own a BRS reactors would you please post a pic of it setup? I just recieved mine today and i wanna see how you guys have yours setup so i have something to go off of. Does it matter if you flush your GFO with fresh or saltwater.
Thanks guys

I’ll try to get a pic for you tomorrow, I have a BRS dual reactor, carbon you can rinse with either but GFO I would use SW.

I just use my water from my sump to rinse and replace it is clear within about 2 gal.

I never have any problem rinsing it with FW for both. Your doing it just to get the dust of of it. As for the reactor, I have no idea Casey. I’ve never seen one in person. I’m sure I can help you out when I see it. LMK

Thanks guys i just got it hooked up and flushed. Will post pics in my tank thread.

A-I went ahead and flushed it with left over SW. You should come by sometime soon and check it out. My days off now are thur frid but your more than welcome anytime.