can some one help me????

I have been trying to get a hold of Jon,Bellamy or Marty about sponsoring the site and can get them to email me any info not sure if i have the wrong email addys or what. if any of you see this please pm me or email me at with some info.
thanks craig

Sent ya a pm

thanks bill pm back at you.c

Zona how did you get that contact info? If you stored this information when you communicated with us years ago I wouldn’t recommend keeping club info that way as just about every club in the US has elections yearly. Most clubs have e-mail addresses which will change over someone new tanks office.

If you found it somewhere on the site recently please let us know where so that it can be updated.

[quote=“Gordonious, post:4, topic:3476”]
If you found it somewhere on the site recently please let us know where so that it can be updated. [/quote]

TopDropdownMenu>About DRC>Contact DRC

Edit under Components>Contacts.

Ted can you change the names there to say Craig, Bill and Marty or even just to blank right now except for Marty. I have not received e-mails from that address in the last 9 months my name should not be associated with it. I asked Shawn to change that over 6 months ago. I don’t have access to the back end of things.