
Anyone have some caulerpa that they are getting ready to throw away? I would like to add some to my fuge. Let me know. Thanks.

I have a bunch I would like to get rid of in exchange for some cheato.

Sounds good. That’s all I have so I would be up for giving you some. Where are you located?

Newport. YGPM

I will bring some with me to the meeting tonight if you did not get any yet. I still need cheato

Sorry don’t know if I’ll be able to make it tonight. You can still grab some cheato at some point.

Just let me know if you do go. I will prob leave around 7pm so I will check the forum before I roll out.

[quote=“mortyn02, post:6, topic:5736”]
Sorry don’t know if I’ll be able to make it tonight. You can still grab some cheato at some point.[/quote]

Matt’s gotta go buy diapers and formula ::rofl::

lOl that’s a good one! I may have to work tonight we work out in the rain sometimes. I really did want to come to the meeting I guess next month. John ill make sure I get the diapers and formula before the meeting. ::rofl::

we shall rain check it then.