Change of Command

Thank you to everyone who showed up last night for the meeting. As usual yummy goes out to Ken’s chilli, thanks Ken. And to all the winners of the frags and of course the golden ticket prize, Chip for the RODI unit and Karen via Busa-reef, Dave ::thumbsup:: for the twolittlefishes 150 reactor. lOl

First and foremost I like to thank Craig, Bill, John and Marty for running the club for the past year and some for several years before that. They all did a great job running the meetings, other club activities and keeping things together. It’s a big shoe to fill for me from Craig, but I will take on the challenge and help the club continue to grow and better it self.

This club is our club so there’s no individual. We hope to see ideas and participation to make our club better. If you have any concern, comments or suggestions please bring it to my attention or any of our current officers.

There are several things on the agenda that I like to propose. I will get with the rest of the officer and go over the year activities. First and foremost of course is the upcoming Christmas party and the main event will be the frag swap.

Thank you again for electing me to be the president. I will do the best of my abilities to make this club grow, fun and informative. Looking forward to serve all of our club members.

A Johnson

GolfC. Well said A and congrats.

     Congrats again A

from me too A. congrats!

congrats A thats great any help needed let me know and I will try to help

Congrats A!!! ::thumbsup:: Looking forward to helping in any way I can. YahoO

Yup, you got our support. Don’t be shy to ask. It’s a club, we all need to pitch in.

Thanks everyone, I’m looking forward to the challenge.