chris and barb's sand trade

i’m surprised more members haven’t signed on. go to reef-geeks and just do it, for bio diversity, something like this can’t be beat.

I was the first to give my sand to Chris. Gotta love extra biodiversity ::thumbsup::

Only worry is the issues that can come with that biodiversity. That is what worries me about sand trades.

Chris has done this before, which is why it takes so long to get sand back. He leaves it in a fallow tank to make sure that anything detrimental to our tanks doesn’t survive (i.e. ich, flatworms, etc.)

I participated in last years sand trade and didn’t have any negative effects from it.

i had no negative issues last time either, and there were about 2 dozen participants, one from hawaii. no disease. ask chris if you are worried. he’ll clarify.

[quote=“Jcling, post:3, topic:3906”]
Only worry is the issues that can come with that biodiversity. That is what worries me about sand trades.[/quote]

Unless you qt. eveything including fish, corals, rock, snails, ect… you are playing russian roulette anyway, and in fact participating in a one way swap… You shouldn’t worry about adding a little biodiversity through the sand trade. I didn’t have any problems last time.

[quote=“Jcling, post:3, topic:3906”]
Only worry is the issues that can come with that biodiversity. That is what worries me about sand trades.[/quote]

What issues are those?