Christmas Dinner Frag Exchange

OK so admittedly I don’t know what to call the polyanna swap thing we do at dinner but I thought we could make it a little more interesting this year. I thought we could add an element of White Elephant / Dirty Santa to it just to make it more “fun”.

Everyone that brings a frag gets to participate, again minimum value of $20. All frags will be placed in a plain brown paper bag (since this is infinitely easier than trying to wrap them in wrapping paper), and placed in a Styrofoam cooler for safe keeping until dinner is over. Everyone will draw a ticket, the number on the ticket represents your turn.

Whoever has #1 will pick a bag, and remove the frag, the type of frag will be announced (hopefully whoever brought the frag will have written the name of the frag on the side of the bag / container)

Whoever has #2 then has a choice of picking a frag from the cooler, or stealing #1s frag. If the latter than #1 will pick another frag from the cooler.

Whoever has #3 can then steal #1 or #2’s frag, or pick a new frag from the cooler.

This will continue until all frags have been removed from the cooler. Each frag can only be stolen a maximum of 3 times. If you have more than 1 ticket (because you brought more than 1 frag) you CAN NOT steal from yourself.

Whoever has #1 gets the last chance to steal a frag after everything is done. (Since by virtue of going first they didn’t have a choice to steal at the beginning)

So what do you think? Something we want to implement to make things a little more interesting this year?


All fun and games still someone gets there frag stolen ::rofl::

That sounds fun Craig. Wish I can participate. I don’t have any coral or a tank to put the coral in. :-(" >::: LOLLOL

It sounds like fun until i get stuck with gsp and loose a bonsai! LOLLOL

So… the last guy, or looser wins? sounds inverted to me … Is that how it’s sposed to go?

It’s not really that simple Ken. While it would be good to have the last number as theoretically you’d have knowledge of what all other frags were and could cherry pick, there is always the chance that the really nice/rare/exotic/big frag will have already been stolen 3 times thus making it ineligible to be stolen again. So there comes a certain level of strategy & luck in getting what you want.

what if we pull the one we brought out of the cooler?

[quote=“nerak, post:7, topic:6931”]
what if we pull the one we brought out of the cooler? [/quote]

If I remember correctly then you put it back and pull a different one

[quote=“Cdangel0, post:8, topic:6931”]

[quote=“nerak, post:7, topic:6931”]
what if we pull the one we brought out of the cooler? [/quote]

If I remember correctly then you put it back and pull a different one[/quote]

Yes that’s what we’ve done in the past

Nice, is there a limit to how many frags we can bring?

There is no limit on the number of frags you can bring, but they all must have a minimum $20 retail value.

Just don’t get ridiculous. It was originally 1 per person, then people started bringing one for their “spouse” as well so they could take home 2. If you show up with 20 we may have to decide on a limit. z<>z

Great showing and good food for this year christmas dinner. Thanks again to Craig, Bill and who ever help put this dinner together. Seems like everyone had a great time. Didn’t know who got what or what was up for this polyanna swap thing. I was busy talking to Ken the whole time this was going on. So, hopefully everyone got what they wanted or at least close to what they were looking for. I know there was lots of frogspawn type coral swapping going on.

Hope everyone had a great time and hopefully will see everyone again next year for the christmas dinner.

I hope everyone enjoyed themselves last night. We had a great turn out, a lot of frags in the swap - a fair amount of underhanded, sneaky, maniacle, and devious stealing going on - -great times.

For those fo you who did not attend, we missed you, the food was fantastic, and the company even better.

This was just the appetizer table!!!

mmmmmm… those shrimp were good, but not as good as the meatballs or muscles.

I had a great time, thanks for putting it together Craig! I ended up “stealing” one of the red planet frags that I’ve been wanting for years and picked up a few others from Bill and Matt. Can’t wait till they all grow out!

[quote=“bnelson, post:14, topic:6931”]
mmmmmm… those shrimp were good, but not as good as the meatballs or muscles.[/quote]

Ironically I was the 2nd person there last night and I didn’t get any of the shrimp. They were going fast so I decided to forgoe them and let everyone else enjoy them.

but I took the left over Ziti (and both leftover meatballs) home with me PBJ!

The shrimp was really good!! As well as everything else. I had a good time! Next year I will plan to bring more than one frag. It seems a lot more fun if you had more than one. More opportunities to steal from someone else!!!

Thanks for Dinner!!!

Had a great time! Thank you A for taking and posting pictures. The frag bag snag was cool. Some how Diana and I ended up with 4 bags of euphyllia. :-(" Thank you members of DRC for making this possible!!!

[quote=“nerak, post:16, topic:6931”]
Next year I will plan to bring more than one frag. It seems a lot more fun if you had more than one. More opportunities to steal from someone else!!![/quote]

It didn’t help me a bit!

Is it because everyone kept stealing yours LOL