Christmas party suggestions

Well, it’s that time of year again and time for another exciting Christmas party. I’m trying to schedule it for Dec 20th, but I’d like to open it up to the club for venue suggestions so feel free to chime in. Right now I have:

lestardos crab shack
crabby dicks

[quote=“bnelson, post:1, topic:7690”]
Well, it’s that time of year again and time for another exciting Christmas party. I’m trying to schedule it for Dec 20th, but I’d like to open it up to the club for venue suggestions so feel free to chime in. Right now I have:

lestardos crab shack
crabby dicks lOl[/quote]

I had to toss that in there lol, how do you reserve a spot for the party.

after we decide on a venue we will post we will announce how many seats are available and then it will be open to premium club members and their significant other on a first reply format

Yep, that’s the plan.

Crabby dicks for the win. Great food.

crabby dicks

Dicks sounds good to me.

I like crabby dicks. Plus a lot of us have crabs in our tanks!

Yes, I was looking at Crabby Dicks, in Delaware City (Please Note the apostrophe Doesn’t take because of the Dang Auto Correct) last year at the last minute. But, we were already sucessfully booked, by that time. A few emails with them said they were willing to work up a buffet/entre’ menu propsoal based on our club budget. On the plus side, They have a substantial view of the Delaware Bay at the end of the Delaware City canal. So i am dreaming of “Lazing on a Sunny”, “Saturday Afternoon” ( I’m a long time fan of the Kinks and Jefferson Airplane!) to take best advantage of the Location and View. But, that too might depend on if ever one has most of their Christmas shopping done by that afternoon. or can work around that time slot and hit the nearby Christiana Mall afterwards for fun and giggles. Would a weekend Afternoon or any day evening allow more club members to fit our little Club gathering into their schedule? It is also a bit closer for our wonderful south De. members, too.

Morty! I’m sure they can cook your crabs any way you like em! With Sauce!!

Uhhhh~~~ Whatchu Thimpk?

We didn’t have a hot summer picnic this year, Hows about a cool fall/winter afternoon?

Should we explore this option?

Crabby dicks

[quote=“mortyn02, post:8, topic:7690”]
I like crabby dicks. Plus a lot of us have crabs in our tanks![/quote]

Better then in your pant!!! ::hitsthefan::

Alright crabby dicks it is. I’ll post anot her thread with more info once I get everything set. Is everyone cool with Sat Dec 20th? Southern members could come up at shop in the AM at the mall, then head down for a late afternoon/early evening dinner.

[quote=“beadlocked450r, post:11, topic:7690”]

[quote=“mortyn02, post:8, topic:7690”]
I like crabby dicks. Plus a lot of us have crabs in our tanks![/quote]

Better then in your pant!!! ::hitsthefan::[/quote]

Was waiting for craig or Jason to chime in.

Don’t know if the 20th will work for us we have family coming to visit from out of town that weekend. We would love to attend depending on the date. Thanks!

Any preference for friday or Saturday?

I would vote Friday.

Sat is best for me

Either day is fine. For us.

I would think that Saturday would be a better day. This way no one is rushing home from work to make it to the party!

Sat is best for me now too!