clams..........not fully open

Thanks for the advice

Looks to me like it being nipped by a fish. What fish do you have in the DT?

2 clowns
1 sailfin tang
1 yellow tang
1 lunar wrasse
i electric blue damsel
3 chromis
1 six line wrasse
1 mandarin dragon
1 clown goby

here is a pic I took this morning right after the lights came on. Please tell me if you think it is looking better ,worse or the same.

definitely looks better than the pic on 1st page

[quote=“moliken, post:25, topic:2417”]
definitely looks better than the pic on 1st page[/quote]

i concur, its beyond help when you see the mantle pull away from the inside of the shell, thats the oh crap moment for me (i lost 2 a while back)

Ellen, could you please tell me where you have your 2 clams located in your tank. On a rock,or in the sand. And a pic would be even better, if not too much trouble. Maybe my choice of placement was not very favorable toward the clam.
And Paul, if you have any pics of your Maxis, it would be great to see them.

[quote=“houndsbayman, post:27, topic:2417”]
Ellen, could you please tell me where you have your 2 clams located in your tank. On a rock,or in the sand. And a pic would be even better, if not too much trouble. Maybe my choice of placement was not very favorable toward the clam.
And Paul, if you have any pics of your Maxis, it would be great to see them.[/quote]

I like to put maxima on rocks, but sometimes they just decide to move. I think a good trick is to bury a small rock , or shell in the sand and place the clam on top. Once it attaches to the rock you can move the clam up higher without it falling. The flow should be good, some of my clams even have their mantels flop a little, but it should not be aimed straight at the clam. I do think constantly moving or falling stresses the little guys so I tend to let them stay where they seem happiest for a while before I try moving them. Here are some different pics of locations that have worked well for my clams.

this pic shows the two squamosa clams on the sand bed and my crocea up on the rocks.

The maximas in my 45g

I hope this helps you out a little.

Thanks Ellen, great pics showing the locatin of your clams, very helpful.
When you think about buying a new fish, and research tells you that the fish is reef safe, does that also mean it is clam safe?

In the book i have it says, reef safe. And if it will nip at clams it will say so, and also says will eat ornamental inverts…

john,i had to move my clams to deal with a snail prob. right now they’re way high in the tank in tupperware containers
older pix
top down, high up in tank, next to glass

other one a little lower and on opposite side of tank

all alone

before i raised them to the rocks

[quote=“houndsbayman, post:29, topic:2417”]
Thanks Ellen, great pics showing the locatin of your clams, very helpful.
When you think about buying a new fish, and research tells you that the fish is reef safe, does that also mean it is clam safe?[/quote]

Well now that is a tough question because some fish do pose more risk then others, but all fish can nip. Books don’t always help, but they are a great place to start. Take blennies for example, they are mostly reef safe, but there have been numerous reports of them deciding to munch on clams. I would place all angels in the risk catagory, but it really is a 50/50 chance. I have even heard of cases where tangs have started nipping clams out of the blue. My advice would be to research the individual species and if it is a riskier type like a angel just be prepared to remove it or the clam if it doesn’t work out.

Hey Paul,

don’t you have any non- close up pics that show the placement of the clams in the tank? I think that is what John was looking for. It is hard to tell where your clams are in relation to the light and flow from the pics.

Thanks Paul, yes, a whole tank pic or one showing placement would be excellent. So, you moved the clams higher because you thought they needed more flow and light, and they weren’t opening as they should. Are all your clams sitting on rocks now?

Paul just wanted to show off his clams!

Lunar Wrasses are carnivorous, in the wild they eat benthic invertebrates, especially crustaceans such as crabs, shells, and shrimp.

Try cutting the top off of a 2l clear soda bottle and drill holes in it for water flow and then place it over the clam

[quote=“IanH, post:35, topic:2417”]
Paul just wanted to show off his clams![/quote]
and i did!! wouldn’t you ian???
actually i have a few fts, but even i can’t locate the clams in the pix.

[quote=“houndsbayman, post:34, topic:2417”]
Thanks Paul, yes, a whole tank pic or one showing placement would be excellent. So, you moved the clams higher because you thought they needed more flow and light, and they weren’t opening as they should. Are all your clams sitting on rocks now?[/quote]
i moved the croceas and maxis up for better light, but they were all opening fine. all of them were at least half way up the rock pile, and i tried to place the croceas at the top. as of today, all clams except the derasa are in the process of attaching themselves to rocks i put in the tupperware, as i plan on putting them into the new tank sometime saturday.

[quote=“moliken, post:37, topic:2417”]
i have a few fts, but even i can’t locate the clams in the pix.[/quote]

If you open the files in paint you could draw where the clams are or put a circle.

[quote=“IanH, post:35, topic:2417”]
Paul just wanted to show off his clams![/quote]

LOL you know thats true :stuck_out_tongue: