clams..........not fully open

I have three clams in my DT and I noticed that only one of them really opens up all the way. Any ideas why this could be happening? Can post pics if needed.

what kind is the one that’s really open? croceas, from my experience, frequently look like they’re open much wider than others. what about the others? is this a new behavior? any change in flow or lighting? pics definitely!

high flow or pyramid snails could be a problem

here is a pic with two of the three. The one on the left is hardly open and I moved the one on the right to the spot in the pic today and it opened up more.

And here is the other clam

better pic of one that isn’t opening all the way up

the bad one is really in poor shape. don’t have suggestions.
i would move the one in the 2nd pic up on the rocks closer to the light. if there are snails, they are nocturnal. so shine a falshlight on it a few hrs after after lights out.
here’s a great link for those bstrds

Thanks for the help Paul. Moved the one in poor condition into my frag grow out tank, hopefully will do better. Will check tonight to see if I have any snails.

How long have they been like that? Has the one fallen down recently?

good luck john. read the thread fr sure. removing is eeezeee if that’s the case.

You can also ask Chris&Barb, he posts over here sometimes, but much more frequently on Reef-Geeks. He’s kept tons of clams and has tons of knowledge on them.

John are you running GFO??

Ian…I bought this clam from Dr. Macs about 2 weeks ago. When I first got it , I put it in my frag tank and it was doing great. As soon as I placed it in my DT, it started looking weak.
I did read the link, very very helpful.
Bill, no I am not running GFO.
Going to check right now to see if I can spot any aliens.

If you’ve got the stuff and care to do it, running tons of carbon has been seen to improve clams from some of the more knowledgable people. Like a lot of carbon, high flow through it. If it is from snails the carbon won’t help, but may help other problems.

Didn’t see any snails on the clam, going to leave it in frag tank and see what happens.

I started running carbon about a month ago in my sump. Really makes water crystal clear.

How’s it doing?

Well, it’s been a little over a week and the clam is doing much better in the frag tank. It looks to me that it is opening up more now. I will take a pic of it tomorrow and post it.
thanks for asking.

so we have narrowed it down to something in your DT… lights maby?

Not really sure if it is something in the DT, because the other two clams are doing just fine in the DT. Maybe, it was just stressed out being moved around. I will keep monitoring it closely.

Glad to hear it is doing better. The tiny maxis can be a bit finicky in my experience. I have two of them right now that are doing well, but have had some bad luck in the past. Do keep an eye out for the snails. They seem to be making their rounds in the dealers tanks. I have a dedicated qt. set up now to avoid getting them in the dt.

+1 on ellen’s qt comment!