Ok, my tanks BB, think I would have a problem keeping one of these puppies?
Also, Will this fish eventually starve if i dont have a high fish load for it to service? Not sure if that is true or not…
Basically looking for something to clean my fish when needed and also be a nice addition to the tank overall, was thinking the raise because I do not have that color blue in the tank…cant really go the shrimp route because of the neon and yellow tail dottybacks…
As long as you have a few fish in the tank it will be fine. I had min in the tank with like 5 fish for over 2 years know there are 2 in the tank with like 30+ fish. I would say you should be fine with a small one in there. if you have wrasses yes I would not put a cleaner shrimp in there lol it would be a quick din for one of them lol
I think the key to keeping this fish is to have few large once to keep it well fed. But it’s equal opportunity botherer of all fish in tank.
Just took few shots
[quote=“longballz84, post:5, topic:3668”]
thanks guys…does that copperband nip any of your stonys rosi?[/quote]
I have not seeing it. I look at it this way, if any fish graze on corals than its fine with me as long as corals look healthy. I am not looking forward to frag things, so as long as they are not killing them than less work for me. Fish stay healthy and corals have natural biological control. But again, I have not seeing it.
I’ve always wanted one of these guys, but thought the same thing that they’d eventually starve, looks like they can do fine… do they eat anything frozen?
Make sure you get one that is eating prepared foods. I had two, one in a sand bed that never ate and died and the other that ate prepared foods in a BB tank that thrived.
definately hit or miss…
i personally never had any luck. but my wife has had one for over a year now. fights right next to the tangs for food at feeding time! makes me sick… lol
I didn’t pay attention if it ate anything frozen because I see wrasse graze on fish all the time. I just fed frozen mysis and it definitely eats it. This fish is well aware of me trying to feed tank because it starts it’s dance as I shake the cup with food. Probably to let others know not to eat it in chaos.