Cleaning powerheads???

How can i clean my korilias fast? they have the typical coraline, and algae growth… I’ve scrubbed them before, and used 50/50 water/vinegar…but can i drop them in full strength vinegar and turn em on in a bucket?
Or does anyone have better techniques?

I use full strength vinegar in a large cup with one PH for 2 or 3 days. Or more than 1 then enough vinegar to cover the PH in a small bucket. It come out as good as new. Never have any problems.

I have always found that having them running in a 50/50 vinegar water mix works at least 50% better then just soaking them. But 100% vinegar will not harm but don’t know if it will be any better either.

I do my pumps and power heads and protein skimmers hard core. first i drop them in a bucket of water with a lot of bleach. and turn them on. let run for 30 minutes to disolve the organic parts and algae. then i brush the loose stuff off and run them in another bucket of water and a few ounces of muratic acid until they disolve clean. or easily brushed clean with a tooth brush . then run and rinse in fresh water a few minutes and done. back in the tank. about 60-90 minutes.

protect your eyes, wear goggles or safety glasses. i put the buckets in the tub. have enough water so that the pumps dont splash or shoot out of the bucket. vinegar will be much safer and work just as well. just add more. it works faster with the pump running because of flow . and cleans them inside and out.

Should be stated that the Delaware Reef Club in no way recommends the use of muriatic acid. There are safer ways to accomplish the same task that do not require the use of significant safety gear. The DRC is not responsible for any injuries your may obtain using over kill methods to clean of your equipment.

I use ~1/3 bleach mix and the tiniest bit of elbow grease.

Thanks guys

full strength vinegar that had been used a million times before. a 24 hrs soak. remove and rinse, scrub with toothbrush and run in a 5 gal bucket of fresh water for a short time. in fact today a couple are needing a cleaning.