Hey, is anyone interested in buying a bunch of these clear plastic 16 oz or 8 oz tubs and lids for prepacking their frags? Most of the guys at the TPF NCPARS swap do that for all the frags they pre-sell on fragswapper before the meet. that way they can have the frag packed, and labeled with coral name, buyer name and price, ready to exchange at the swap. just write on the tub with a permanent magic marker. saves a lot of time, and holds water too.
something like this
there is a supply store on RTE 13 by sheridan car lot , ACTON that sells them . i can get a bunch to bring to the meeting monday, if you give me a count. I buy our plastic cups there. i forget their price. i think its similar. they come in stacks of 25 i think. $7 for tubs and $4 for lids??? I’ll check.