I have a oc. clown full grown and a lunar wrasse for free if anyone is interested. I think the wrasse may be eating my cleanup crew, so be warned. If I can catch the wrasse before the meeting, then I will bring it there.
Oh yeah, lunar wrasse are beautiful fish but definitely not invert safe. i had one for several years and although the are listed as not reef safe they wont touch corals and they dont seem to be agressive towards other fish. mine was very passive but would destroy snails/crabs.
Lunars are beautiful fish, often out in the open, and love their feeders. Very nice animals. Use them a lot in Fish Only systems. Anyone with a FO system would be lucky to pick up one that is likely disease free and established in captivity.
Hey Ken how about a new clown to introduce to your breading program to keep the genetics fresh?
Tempting offer…
Wow John
Very pretty fish.
Thanks Bill, realy very active and belongs in a FO tank, tooo bad, I really like the colors on it.
Yeah I like the colors also but I can't have those either. <O><
Lunar wrasse gets trapped.
Hope someone can take him home, if no takers, he is going to go to Jon to take to Armco
Has anybody claimed the clown? And excuse the ignorance - is he/she a percula or the brown type? If it’s a percula and nobody has claimed it, I’d love to have it.
I believe it is a percula, I will take a pic and post it and if you want it, you got it.
Thanks. I used to have a percula in one of my reef tanks and he jumped out.
afriede, here is a photo of the clown fish
Thanks. Definitely I’ll take him.