Clown with hlle

I think my clown has hlle. He started with a big whitish spot between his eyes that I thought was a bruise, but now I have noticed a very thin (almost hard to see) line running down his side from his head to his tail and I believe from what I have researched that it is hlle. I can’t get a good picture of him but, It really looks to be that. Does anyone know what the best solution is for this, haven’t been able to determine if it is contatious (thought I think not) but I will quarantine him. Research Ive done says nobody’s really sure what causes it or what the best treatment is. Params are all good and I just have been feeding marine granuales, with occasional marine cuisine frozen food.
So if anyone has had a fish with this and has a good suggestion or any good info I would greatly appreciate it. I do not have a ground probe or anything to protect against stray voltage. Any suggestions?
Thanks all.

Do you run activated carbon on your tank? If so, I would stop. Research has shown that use of activated carbon can be one of the major influences in HLLE.

What i read about the carbon causing research was performed at large public aquariums, using 100’s of lbs of un-rinsed carbon… Is there research on carbon in small home systems? It just seems what i read focused on the “dust”. I guess that couldn’t hurt to remove it, the research def showed a link of some sort. I’m just still skeptic …anyway
I don’t know about clowns, but i had a perfectly healthy naso tang… eating nori 3x a week, very active…then i noticed the whole near its eye one day, it died the day after…
good luck, hopefully someone with clowns having it can help out. honestly i’ve only ever heard of it affecting tangs, until i just looked it up…
btw, how’s the fish acting? is it eating? if so maybe you can feed it with some food soaked in some beneficial vitamins… at least thats what i’ve heard helps… i never got a chance to try with mine… So…don’t listen to me i’m 0 for 1 against HLLE verdict_in

Hi Jessica, first let me point you to a site so you can do proper research and then I will give you my opinion.
Site is:

Fish Disease, Health and Wellness - by Kelly Jedlicki (

Marine Fish-Reproduction, Care and Husbandry - by Dr Frank Marini (

icy1155 and saltcreep correct. There is a very good article about Marine HLLE and it’s connection to carbon, in current issue of CORAL magazine. Researchers link it to a cheap carbon, like the one you buy at LFS. Ultra low dust carbon like the one sold by BRS (ROX8) is ok to use. Clowns and tangs are prone to it. This disease is completely reversible with varied and proper diet. So do your research and post questions to links above. If I were you I would leave it in your system and start to feed heavy, double up on your water changes to compensate.

They also tested pelletized carbon and found that it still caused hlle, just to a lesser extent. I have yet to see the independent scientific test that says that the ROX0.8 is safe to use.

[quote=“icy1155, post:5, topic:4470”]
They also tested pelletized carbon and found that it still caused hlle, just to a lesser extent. I have yet to see the independent scientific test that says that the ROX0.8 is safe to use. [/quote]
I use it ;D, change cup of it weekly.

icy1155, all kidding a side you probably rite.

Just for reference, i dont use carbon, maybe only once in a while. a couple times a year, if i remember to add it or change it. But i do use those little 100 ml sealed pouches of PURIGEN from Sea Chem to take up the load. nice. and they can be rejuvenated with bleach and straight declor to use over and over and over again.

My Fish have never had Lateral line desease in my 12 years of reefing. I dont know if thats the reason. but that’s what i use regularly instead of carbon. I swap them out with a rejuvenated one every month or two.

good stuff.

Rosti, thanks for your link. I did read the info on their. I went out and bought a liquid vitamin supplement and am going to be soaking some frozen food in there and feeding him every other day. Im going to put him into a hospital tank and see how he does in there. He is still very active and is eating very well.
Its funny, Rosti, when you first saw his pic it was just a few days since I replaced my carbon and I rinsed the heck out of it. Finally after rinsing and rinsing the water was still black but I put it into the tank anyway figuring it wasn’t going to be a problem since the container says when rinsing the water wouldnt be clear. So I wonder if that did have something to do with it. I am going to try the purigen that you mentioned Kaptken.
I also have been really lazy in the feeding. I really havent fed anything but granuales and I know that I should have bee giving them more of a varied diet.
Thanks for the info guys!

But i do use those little 100 ml sealed pouches of PURIGEN from Sea Chem to take up the load. nice. and they can be rejuvenated with bleach and straight declor to use over and over and over again.
Kaptken- how do you use the purigen? Do you use it in a reactor? I am trying to figure out what to use instead of carbon and how to use it. I was going to buy a media reactor to put another filter media in but I can't figure out what to use.

I put the sealed pouch bags in the trickle filter, or in a basket that the skimmer dumps to. any place you can get good water flow through it . all depends on your setup. could even put it in a fliter sock.