With our upcoming second round of club meetings YahoO. I would like to police opinion from our members and non-members that uses our club website for info and possible joining us for club membership :BEER.
What would you like to see at our meetings :think)? Type of activities, kind of door prizes. Anyone know of any guest speakers that can maybe talk with us about our hobby or aquarium industries :GOLD).
I would like our club to be more involved and more activities. Any suggestion would be appreciated. abcd
I actually think the meetings are nice as they are, I come from a very informal type of atmosphere where people just meet up at other member’s homes. Sometimes there’s a discussion about something, but more often than not, it’s usually just a hang out where everyone brings a dish. Door prizes or raffles usually go on too.
One thing that was always cool though is whoever hosted the meeting at their place usually had their tank put up on the home page as a TOTM thing. The only problem with that was sometimes the cameraman didn’t show up or people were too busy to put it up on the home page.
There are usually a few grow out contests going on where the winner would get a GC somewhere or something.
It was always kind of cool to mix it up every once in a while.
I dont mind talking about carbon dosing and the whole import trade.
[quote=“Nycoral1, post:3, topic:7531”]
I dont mind talking about carbon dosing and the whole import trade.[/quote]
That would be great AJ! I will be in touch.
Of course I can send 25% off and Free shipping redeemers so you can raffel them off at the club meetings.
That would be great. Let me get with my officers. We’re still in the works for the up coming meeting.