Club Elections - Nomination time

It’s time once again for our Annual Club Elections. Elections will be held on Monday November 18th at our normal monthly meeting.

Please use this thread to nominate anyone you feel would be a solid officer capable and willing to conitnue to grow the club, improve the meetings, and move us forward through 2014.

Current Officer positions fillable by election:

Any and all members in good standing are eligible for nomination. If a nominee chooses to not be considered they can be removed from the ballot by bringing Bill and I a bottle of Rum to the elections.

I’ll go first:

President - A
VP - Frank
Secretary - Scott
Treasurer - Marty

That sounds like a good line up

President - A
VP - Bryant
Secretary - Scott
Treasurer - Marty

Pres: A
VP: Bill
Secretary : Scott
Treasurer: Marty

I won’t be back till December
I am doing a network separation on site in Ekati, NT Canada

 Thanks Frank 

  But I'm not in the running again. This was my last term.

The meeting is THIS Monday night so we need to wrap up any last minute nominations now.

So far we have the following on the ballot:

President - A
VP - Bryant (Frank please confirm if you were interested or not, couldn’t really tell from your post)
Secretary - Scott
Treasurer - Marty

We’ll take a few minutes at the beginning of the meeting to discuss roles and responsibilities of each position, and give each candidate a few minutes to talk to you about why they want to be an officer and what they plan to do with the club.

Just kidding. No need if we only have 1 candidate per position.

Looking forward to seeing everyone Monday night and electing the future officers of the greatest reef club in Delaware.

I got called away for work and wont be able to make the meeting tonight. I’m still interested in the VP position though so here is my spiel:

I’m new to the club and would like to take on a more active role. I’d like to focus on expanding the clubs membership, meeting attendance, and new hobbyist education. Addressing the membership point, I think the biggest hurdle is getting people on the forum. I’ve sold coral to at least 3 people who say they tried to get on DRC, but couldn’t because you need admin approval. I know there is a reason why we do this (spam), but it could be improved. Having more interesting meetings will improve attendance. Last meeting we made anemone zappers and had a really good turnout, I’d like to keep that up. One of the things I’m planning is a DIY aquarium controller series where each meeting we would focus on one module (Sensors, digital logic, web connectivity, signal processing, etc.). I have plenty of other DIY projects we could do: wave maker, algea scrubber, dosing pumps, glass cutting.

Another reason I would like to be VP is because I live so close to William Penn, picking up food or bringing things to the meeting is very convenient for me. I only live down the road <.25 miles.

Bryant sorry you can’t make it

I stand by nomination for you as VP.

I think with the little amount we have talked that you could add a lot to the club