Coco worm, Aptasia, unknown ID?

Ok, so got home from the inlaws tonight and just happened to take a look in the tank to see what was moving around after dark. Got a glimpse of this thing:

Its very small. The white specs you see are pieces of my aragonite sand bed. All told, this thing is probably about the size of an eraser on a #2 pencil. The picture really isn’t that great, I can’t get a real good angle from the side of it. It almost spirals out of the sand like a coco worm does, but has these clear apendages with white bulbs like a torch or an anenome. Any clues?

My best guess is a Cornyactus carnea

But it could also be out of the majano family.

There’s another thread around here somewhere where this has already been identified - I just need to find it. Wish our search function was more robust >:::

That link looks very similar to what I have in my tank. Its right on the sand bed right now. Now I have something to base my searches off of. Thanks!

I agree, orange ball anemone. Google Pseudocorynactis.

[quote=“Jocephus, post:4, topic:3910”]
I agree, orange ball anemone. Google Pseudocorynactis.[/quote]

That is exactly what it looks like. So now, I guess I just need to keep a very close eye on it. Seems like people say it can grow as fast as aptasia does and is more dangerous to corals and fish.

I liked some of the pictures that I saw of it online, really neat looking and sounds like it is pretty rare to have. This one must have hitchhiked on a piece of rock that I got from Dr. Mac a few months ago. Although, funny that it just happened to show up a couple of days ago on my sand after moving some of my rocks around. Must have knocked it off of the bottom of a rock. Thanks for the help!