a maintenance nightmare!
I’m sure they have a full time staffer who does nothing but scrape algae and remove dead fish.
How hot do you think that water gets in the middle of August?
Was going to say before Craig’s post this wojld be a dream come true for a maintenance copany. Now back to scrubbing the little 400g tanks with 14" black trigger and a lionfish bigger then Craig’s head. Cross your fingers for me that that thing stays in his corner and doesn’t chace me like he typically does.
[quote=“Gordonious, post:3, topic:2466”]
Was going to say before Craig’s post this wojld be a dream come true for a maintenance copany. Now back to scrubbing the little 400g tanks with 14" black trigger and a lionfish bigger then Craig’s head. Cross your fingers for me that that thing stays in his corner and doesn’t chace me like he typically does. [/quote]
I’m praying for the opposite and a video as well!
i bet you it has a direct pump out of the sea into the system somehow
that is crazy… talk about a waste of money
[quote=“Marchingbandjs, post:6, topic:2466”]
that is crazy… talk about a waste of money[/quote]
thats what ppl tell me about my tank in my house
how did you get those pictures of my house? wow !!! gun carring guards too keep kids from throwing stones at fish…
where is that florida? not very practical, but interesting none the less.
its in cesme turkey
[quote=“TimH07, post:10, topic:2466”]
its in cesme turkey[/quote]
damn i was way off